How to Travel Responsibly in 2022

Now that people are starting to travel again, let’s emphasize the importance of why we should travel responsibly.

More and more people are starting to travel again after being locked up for so long due to the pandemic. Now that tourism is on the rise again, it’s the perfect time to remind ourselves why and how we can all travel responsibly this 2022.

So, what exactly is responsible travel?

In a nutshell, traveling responsibly means committing to good travel choices as a tourist

This means, choosing activities, going to destinations, and buying items that are mindful of the environment and the destination. Not only is it good for the environment, but for ourselves as well.

Why Should We Travel Responsibly?

Why should we all learn to travel responsibly?

In this age of climate change, over population, and over-crowded places because of tourists, it is even more essential to practice traveling responsibly. This is not only to protect our natural resources, environment and the cultural heritage of the places we go to. But it is also a way for us and the generations after us to enjoy authentic experiences on our planet.

With that being said, let’s dive into the ways we can all travel responsibly.

How to Travel Responsibly

We all have a part to play when it comes to preserving our cultures and caring for the environment. One of the biggest factors of this is sustainable tourism, or responsible travel.

So, here are a few ways to get started traveling responsibly.

Related: Why Traveling is Good for You

travel responsibly

Responsible Travel Before You Leave

Traveling doesn’t start the moment you get on the plane or bus. It starts even before the trip.

This is why doing your research and preparing the necessary documents needed is essential as a responsible traveler.

Do Your Research

Before traveling, first do you research. Consult guidebooks or read online resources about your specific destination. It’s also a good idea to research the weather, local culture, social and political issues before traveling to a foreign place.

Read About Responsible Travel

There are so many resources you can check online when it comes to sustainable travel. Look for websites that specialize in responsible and sustainable travel options. You’ll find a lot of ideas and tips to follow.

Choose the Right Travel Agency

If you’re planning on booking a travel agency for your trip, check if the companies have eco-certification or labels.

Book Eco-Friendly Accommodations

There are a lot of hotels and AirBnB’s that support sustainable travel. If possible, choose accommodations that work to protect the environment. Do your research before booking and don’t be afraid to ask.

Travel Responsibly During Transit

A big part of responsible travel is during the trip. Here are a few tips to travel responsibly during transit:

  • Explore eco-friendly transportation.
  • Choose low-carbon or public transportation like rains or buses.
  • Choose economy class flights.
  • If you are able to choose which airport to fly with, choose “green” airports that support sustainable travel.
  • Bring your own water bottle when traveling to avoid buying single-use plastic.
  • Make sure to bring your own reusable utensils when traveling.
  • Always keep an eco-bag handy in order to avoid using single-use plastic bags.

Travel Responsibly While in a Foreign Place

When you’ve reached your destination, there are a lot of ways you can travel responsibly. Here are a few suggestions to get started:

  • Eat in locally-owned restaurants to support the locals.
  • Buy locally-made products.
  • Don’t buy souvenirs or products made form endangered animals.
  • Avoid going to museums or zoos that use animals as entertainment.
  • Hire local guides to support the local community.
  • Pay the fair price and try to avoid excessive bargaining.
  • Research on the destination’s culture and be culturally sensitive.
  • Always ask permission if you want to take photos of or enter sacred places like churches, mosques, etc.
  • Dress appropriately. Some places are more conservative than others.
  • Refrain from taking seashells, leaves, flowers, etc. as souvenirs.
  • Always clean as you go.
  • Make sure to follow the local rules when in tourist spots.
  • Choose activities that are low on carbon such as cycling, walking, or swimming.
travel responsibly 2022

In Conclusion

As people are becoming more and more environmentally conscious, so is local tourism. While people are looking for new adventures to experience, they are also looking for opportunities to immerse themselves in the culture, environment, and the people of that location.

By being a responsible traveler, you not only get to authentically enjoy your vacation, but help the environment, the locals, and future tourists as well.

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